Royal Canin Sterilised 37 cat food was specially developed for sterilised cats with a tendency to weight gain: The aging process: is made easier by ingredients in this recipe and your cat is able to grow old gracefully and with fewer problems Controlled energy supply: through reduced fat contents (12%) Fewer carbohydrates: e.g. no starch which stimulates hunger pangs L-Carnitine: (100 mg/ kg) helps to mobilise fat reserves Promotes healthy urinary tract: through balanced pH-levels in the urine (pH 6-6,5) and a balanced phosphorus content Boosts and preserves muscles: through high protein contents (36%) For more than 40 years Royal Canin has made your pet’s health the prime focus of their work. This has led to the product range “Health Nutrition” amongst others. Only with the knowledge of your pet’s exact nutritional requirements and with respect for the individuality of every animal can the perfect meal be developed and produced to exactly meet your pet’s needs.